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National Pit Bull Awareness Month

Pit Bull lovers rejoice -- October marks National Pit Bull Awareness Month!

For the past 13 years, Pit Bull advocacy groups have used the annual event to dispel negative stereotypes regarding American Staffordshire Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, and Staffordshire Bull Terriers, as well as to create a positive environment for pit parents so that their furry friends can thrive. 

NPBAM has changed over the years. Initially, it was just celebrated on the last Saturday of every October as National Pit Bull Awareness Day, which was launched in 2007 by Jodi Preis. Preis is a proud pit bull owner and is the founder of Bless The Bully, a Tennessee-based non-profit rescue group. 

According to Bless The Bully’s website, “the ultimate goal of NPBAD is to promote the truth about pit bulls. Knowledge is power, and with education and advocacy, the truth will save lives in terms of negating the fear and bias generated by the media, circumvent knee-jerk reactions such as breed bans, and the truth will result in fewer pit bulls ending up in animal shelters.” 

The switch of having this be a month-long celebration occurred in 2011

So now that you are aware of National Pit Bull Awareness Month, you may be wondering how you might want to celebrate. Well, you have a few options. 

Preis has recommended giving your voice to the voiceless, stating, 

“We all can and should play a part in correcting false information and changing the perception of these incredible dogs. We are their voice, and they are depending on us to educate the public (not only about the breed in general, but with respect to responsible ownership practices), to dispel the false information out there, and to restore their reputation as a great American icon.” 

You can also take to your social media accounts and discuss why you love Pit Bulls, using the #PitBullAwarenessMonth. If you are able to do so and COVID restrictions permit it, you may want to consider volunteering your time at your local shelter to give the pits there plenty of attention. 

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