2020 redefined what ‘home’ meant for most of us. For many, home went from being a place where we chose to be, to a place where we had to be. For some, home became the place they wanted to be the least. Some of you may not even have a home to call your own right now; however, if you’re here reading this, it’s probably safe assume that like me, your definition of home - wherever you are - includes a rescue dog.
Today we are kicking off a new ongoing series called Rescue Stories. In this series we will share your stories. The stories of how your family expanded the day you rescued your shelter pup and how you helped give a home to another living thing in need of one.
To launch this series we sent our Gentle Pit photographer, Madison, on the road. She visited the hometowns of some of our long-time TGP supporters, including one Pitbull advocate who is making a different in the lives of shelter dogs in Denver. She got to see their hometowns, meet their rescue pups and hear the stories of how they've made a home and a life with their adopted fur children.
Madison also came with me and my rescue dogs to my hometown of Corvallis, Montana, where I grew up on our multi-generational family farm. It took me years to fully appreciate the home of my childhood. Growing up on a farm in rural Montana, I could not wait to get out and explore the world. But, now that I have the advantage of hindsight, I can see that Montana will always be my true home. It's where my love for animals began and where I feel the most like myself, surrounded by my family and their rescue dogs.
Maybe for you the idea of home isn’t a good one. Maybe it brings up painful or traumatic emotions. For those who haven’t had the privilege of thinking of their home in a positive light, if you choose or have chosen to rescue a dog, maybe this is where your shared stories can come together and heal, as you begin to rewrite what home means to you, together. I believe animal companionship can do this and I also believe when you have a rescue dog, you'll always have 'home' with you.
Thank you for being a part of our community. We can't wait to hear your Rescue Story.
-Casey, Petal, Olive & Walter

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